BCA Finance Surabaya targeting IDR 240 billion CAR Loans

Bareksa • 14 Mar 2014

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Deretan ATM milik Bank BCA (Kompas)

The Pemilu agenda had become an obstacle

IQPlus - The high car market both new and second (former) make leasing more confident of reaching the target. One of them is the BCA Finance which is still hoping to extend credit for a used car around IDR 20 billion per month.

According to Agus Surya, Regional Manager of BCA Finance, last year's national automobile lending reached IDR 26 trillion. Of this amount approximately IDR 8.5 trillion wil be for used car where as from Surabaya reached IDR 180 billion. This year the target is predicted to reach IDR 30 trillion for both new and used cars.

"Specifically Surabaya we expect a significant growth. If the previous were average of IDR 13-15 billion per month, then this year we have to reach IDR 20 billion per month or a total of IDR 240 billion," Agus said at the Solar Car Mall expansion, DTC Surabaya.

It is said, the Pemilu agenda had become an obstacle. But actually there are many that can be developed particularly for used cars. Therefore, the market area is also being developed. The newest branch of the BCA Finance added at the town of Gresik which is not far from Surabaya, In this way, the market can be targeted more widely.

Another strategy is to implement the interest subsidy. For example, for loans with tenor of five years of interest will be cheaper than the four years tenor. But for 1-3 year credit constrained flat 8.5 percent. With such a strategy, the respond are pretty good.

"Evidently during the first three months of fairly good absorption. Average achievement are over 100 percent," he added.