Indonesia June Inflation Eases to 6.70 Pct y/y, Near Forecas

Bareksa • 01 Jul 2014

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Seorang pedagang bahan makanan menata dagangan di Pasar Senen Jakarta (ANTARA FOTO/Wahyu Putro A)

On a month-on-month basis, the CPI eased to 0.43 percent. - The annual inflation rate in Indonesia, Southeast Asia's biggest economy, eased in June and was near analysts' forecasts, data from the statistics bureau showed on Tuesday.

The consumer price index in June slipped to 6.70 percent from a year earlier.

On a month-on-month basis, the CPI eased to 0.43 percent. The median forecasts in a Reuters poll were for an annual inflation rate of 6.76 percent in June and core inflation of 4.85 percent.

Below are details on June inflation. The statistics bureau adopted 2012 as the new base year starting with the January data:
                                   y/y   previous     m/m   previous
                CPI            6.70      +7.32    0.43       0.16
                Core           4.81      +4.82                   
   Reuters forecasts                                        
             CPI y/y       +6.76                              
             CPI m/m     +0.47                              
            Core y/y      +4.85                              
      Bank Indonesia   3.5-5.5                              

(Source: Reuters)