Indonesian Markets Prepare to Be Spooked by Prabowo Win

Bareksa • 27 Jun 2014

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Indonesian presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto gestures to supporters after registering at the Election Commission for the upcoming July 9 election in Jakarta May 20, 2014. Picture taken May 20, 2014. - (REUTERS/Stringer)

The stock market, Asia’s worst performer in 2013 in dollar terms, has fallen 4 percent since mid-May, when Jokowi’s lead -  From a falling rupiah to a slow retreat by foreigners from high-yielding bonds, markets in Indonesia are showing telltale signs of the volatility and weakness that could ensue should the presidential election be won by ex-general Prabowo Subianto.

As quoted as from The Jakarta Globe, The 7 percent drop in the rupiah over the past three months has accompanied a steady narrowing in the lead frontrunner Joko “Jokowi” Widodo had in opinion polls over Prabowo. The election is less than two weeks away, on July 9.