HD Finance got additional credit from Bank Danamon

Bareksa • 26 Feb 2014

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Aktivitas di Bank - (Antara/Prasetyo Utomo)

Total credit facilities received by the company from Bank Danamon Indonesia to Rp 200 billion

IQPlus - PT HD Finance Tbk (HDFA) gain additional credit facility from PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (BDMN) where the signing of the agreement changes made on February 24, 2014. 

According to Novia Frestiani, Company Secretary of the Company in a statement Wednesday that the changes to the agreement in the form of an extension of credit agreement and the withdrawal period once the addition of credit facility amounting to Rp 100 billion. 

So according to Novita, total credit facilities received by the company from Bank Danamon Indonesia to Rp 200 billion. The term of the credit facility maximum of 36 months from the date of each disbursement. 

The credit agreements made before Anriz Nazaruddin Halim, Bachelor of Law notary in Jakarta, with each successive number 132 by deed.