BNI syariah remain optimistic to disburses mortgage

Bareksa • 11 Feb 2014

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Direktur Utama BNI Syariah, Dinno Indiano saat sedang menandatangani nota kesepahaman (MoU) mengenai Biaya Penyelenggaran Ibadah Haji (BIPH) di Kantor Pusat BPD DIY, Yogyakarta (ANTARAFOTO/Sigid Kurniawan)

Many banks are still confident can meet the target of this year mortgages

IQPlus - Although still overshadowed by tightening regulations mortgage from Bank Indonesia , but many banks are still confident can meet the target of this year mortgages . One of them is Bank BNI Syariah .

This year, Bank BNI Syariah Branch Dharmawangsa targeting consumer loan of Rp 87 billion, of which approximately Rp 80 billion are contribution from the mortgage . Through Griya Hasanah mortgage products , it is confident that the target will be achieved .

According to BNI Syariah Branch Manager Branch Dharmawangsa , A Prita Ardiati , this year is the condition of the property market will not be as good as last year . Because the new BI regulation related tightening of mortgage makes some consumers will refrain.