Indonesia's annual inflation rate above 8 pct in January

Bareksa • 03 Feb 2014

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Menkeu Chatib Basri memberikan keterangan pers di Kantor Kemenkeu (ANTARA FOTO/Andika Wahyu)

The consumer price index rose 8.22 percent in January

Reuters - Indonesia's annual inflation rate rose above 8 percent in January in line with expectations, after flooding disrupted food supplies to several cities in the archipelago, the statistics bureau said on Monday.

The consumer price index rose 8.22 percent in January from a year earlier, versus an 8.38 percent increase projected in a Reuters poll of economists. The pace in January was well above Bank Indonesia's target of 3.5-5.5 percent for full-year inflation in 2014.

Below are details on January inflation. The statistics bureau has adopted 2012 as the new base year starting with the January data:
                     y/y    previous     m/m     previous
 CPI        +8.22         n/a        +1.07          n/a
 Core      +4.53         n/a                                                                                 
  Reuters forecasts                                           
            CPI     y/y         +8.38                                 
            CPI   m/m       +1.00                                 
           Core    y/y         +5.10                                 
 Bank Indonesia target      3.5-5.5