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Japan's Consumers Lose Confidence

• 16 May 2015

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Japan's consumer confidence fell in April as the country continues to see subdued growth and holdover effects from last year’s sales tax hike. Meg Teckman reports.

Japanese workers haven't seen their salaries boosted enough to keep up with rising prices - Japanese consumers are keeping their hands in their pockets.

A survey released by the Cabinet Office showed consumers were slightly less confident in April - the first fall in five months.

Japan has seen retail sales sluggish in 2015 as consumers are still struggling to spend after the sales tax hike last April.

Japanese workers also haven't seen their salaries boosted enough to keep up with rising prices.

And as private consumption makes up about 60 percent of the country's GDP, many economists are looking to the Bank of Japan to shake things up in their upcoming policy meeting.

The one bright spot is the country's roaring stock market.

Led by a weaker yen, investors have pushed the Nikkei to levels not seen in 15 years.

But as Abenomics continues to push on the local currency, many consumers are still waiting on the trickle down. (Source: Reuters)
