Indonesia Finance Minister says will work Central Bank to strengthen the rupiah

Bareksa • 23 Mar 2015

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Menteri Keuangan Bambang Brodjonegoro mengikuti rapat kabinet terbatas bidang perekonomian di Kantor Kepresidenan (ANTARA FOTO/Widodo S. Jusuf)

The government is committed to co-ordinate with the central bank - Indonesia's finance minister said on Monday he will work with the central bank to strengthen the rupiah, which hit a near 17-year low against the dollar last week.

"The government is committed to co-ordinate with the central bank to strengthen the rupiah," said Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro at a conference in Hong Kong.

He also said the government must "be more serious" in reducing the current account deficit, which reached around 3 percent last year.