Indonesia's Loan Growth Continues Slowing Trend in July

Bareksa • 17 Sep 2014

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Nasabah melakukan transaksi perbankan di ATM, salah satu gedung pertemuan, Jakarta (Investordaily)

Loan growth in July slowed to 15.7 percent on a yearly basis, compared with 17.2 percent in June. - Indonesia's loan growth in July slowed to 15.7 percent on a yearly basis, compared with 17.2 percent in June, the country's financial services authority, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) said on Wednesday.

Loan growth has been on a slowing trend since the central bank tightened monetary policy from June to November last year by raising the benchmark interest rate 175 basis points to 7.5 percent.

Indonesia's broad money supply (M2) growth rose 11 percent in July from a year earlier. (Source : Reuters)