Indonesian Rupiah Hits 7-Week High

Bareksa • 10 Jul 2014

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Seorang karyawan menata uang di cash center BNI di Jakarta, Rabu (19/3). Sejumlah pengamat ekonomi memprediksi nilai tukar rupiah akan mengalami penguatan setelah pemilihan umum (pemilu) (ANTARA FOTO/Prasetyo Utomo)

The rupiah rose 0.6 percent to 11,550 per dollar. - The Indonesian rupiah hit a seven-week high against the dollar on Thursday after a day after a presidential election in which both candidates claimed victory.

The rupiah rose 0.6 percent to 11,550 per dollar as of 0100 GMT, its strongest since May 23.

Jakarta Governor Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and ex-general Prabowo Subianto on Wednesday both declared themselves the winner based on contradictory quick count results in the closest election ever in Southeast Asia's largest economy.

That suggests a winner will unlikely be known until official results are announced in two weeks. The quick counts are conducted by private agencies which collate actual vote tallies from each district. (Source : Reuters)