June Inflation Expected to Fall Sharply With Year - End Targ

Bareksa • 27 Jun 2014

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State procurement agency workers in Jakarta move rice stocks intended for shipping to Bangka island. (The Jakarta Globe/Safir Makki)

The central bank targets inflation to be within a band of 3.5 percent to 5.5 percent this year.

Bareksa.com -  Indonesia’s inflation rate may drop sharply in June, marking the start of its decline to meet the central bank’s target at the end of this year.

As quoted from The Jakarta Globe, Doddy Zulverdi, head of the economic assessment group in Bank Indonesia’s Department of Economic and Monetary Policy, said on Wednesday the consumer price index would rise between 0.3 percent and 0.4 percent this month, compared to last month, driven by increasing demand ahead of Ramadan.