
Cipaganti shares will not be suspended

Bareksa • 27 Jun 2014

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Seorang perempuan melintasi bus parwisata Cipaganti di Jakarta, Kamis (26/6) - (ANTARA FOTO/Wahyu Putro A)

On Tuesday, shares of Cipaganti dropped by 26.3 percent compared to the previous day’s closing session - As quoted from The Jakarta Post, The Indonesian Stock (IDX) has said it will not suspend the trading of car rental company Cipaganti Citra Ganti’s shares following the detention of its president director on alleged embezzlement charges.

The IDX’ director for listing companies, Hoesen, said that the stock market operator would not take any action against Cipaganti regarding its legal issue, as the company had immediately informed the bourse about the case and published the required statement.