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Asia day ahead: Investors watch, wait, and worry

• 04 Mar 2014

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Markets are eyeing a tense standoff in Ukraine, as well as China, which is readying for its largest political meet of the year as it grapples with a sliding yuan and resurgent security threats (REUTERS/Tara Joseph)

Political worries will continue to dominate the investor mindset

Reuters - Markets watching developments in Ukraine and rising tensions between Russia and the West. Security is also tight in China in reaction to a deadly knife assault in one of its provinces ahead of the country's most important political gatherings of the year. On Tuesday expect a pre-parliament press conference which may introduce some key themes ahead of the formal opening of the National People's Congress mid-week. The country's yuan currency also expected to continue casting a shadow over trade in Asia. It has slid almost one and a half percent this year adding to worries across already stretched emerging markets.
