Adira contributed Rp48,3 trillion to its holding company

Bareksa • 13 Feb 2014

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Nasabah mendapatkan penjelasan mengenai pembiayaan kendaraan bermotor di kantor cabang Adira Finance, Jakarta (Investordaily/David Gita Roza)

The Bank will take advantage of opportunities that arise with the development of middle-income segment

IQPlus - In 2013 , motor vehicles credit of PT Bank Danamon Tbk ( Danamon ) through Adira Finance grew 6 % compared to 2012 amounted Rp 48.3 trillion . Credit growth reflects the growth of the automotive industry , which is affected by Down Payment regulations last year .

" Danamon's loan growth in 2013 is accompanied by improved asset quality . The ratio of non - performing loans ( NPL ) which stood at 1.9 % at the end of December 2013, is a significant improvement compared to 2.4 % in the previous year , "said Vera Eve Lim , Chief Financial Officer and Director of Bank Danamon , in Jakarta , Wednesday.

In the future , she says , the Bank will take advantage of opportunities that arise with the development of middle-income segment (middle - income) , and the forward momentum of rapid growth in the mass market and non - mass market , and trade finance .

Danamon is also recorded an increase in fee income by 11 % by the end of 2013 to Rp 4.9 trillion . Non - credit related fees rose 12 % to Rp 1.5 trillion , driven by public insurance , cash management and bancassurance.