Behind Indonesia's slowdown

Bareksa • 05 Feb 2014

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With Southeast Asia's largest economy and 'Fragile Five' member Indonesia reporting its slowest annual growth rate in four years (REUTERS)

Its rupiah currency, one of the 'Fragile Five,' was Asia's worst performer last year

Reuters - Indonesia, Southeast Asia's largest economy, has seen growth slow to a four-year low

Its rupiah currency, one of the 'Fragile Five,' was Asia's worst performer last year

Ratings agencies say its current account deficit - which hit a record last year - leaves Indonesia vulnerable to external shocks

Indonesia is the world's top exporter of nickel ore, thermal coal and refined tin

The mining sector, which accounts for around 12 percent of the economy, has been hit by a ban on mineral ore exports

Indonesia hopes to boost foreign investment by 21 percent this year

It recently raised foreign investment caps in the pharmaceutical, advertising and power industries

Indonesia has Southeast Asia's biggest pool of consumers - and McKinsey expects them to spend over $1 trillion annually by 2030